8/31/15 #1

Well just yesterday I received new parts for my truck. I just love receiving packages from the mail man especially when I know what’s coming towards me. When hearing the Diesel engine roaring through my narrow street, i wonder if it’s any parts for my truck or any personal use like iPhones, iPads, or even a apple stereo that I recently came. I also had gotten invited to a friends wedding that’s on Wednesday. I wondered to myself, “WHO HAS A WEDDING ON A WEDNESDAY” then she began to elaborate how she’s busy on the Saturdays n Sunday’s & I began to get an understanding of what she was going through….. I would say but then it’s a disloyalty if I were to spill out the reasons why shes unable to do so. I also bought a burgundy suit so I can match with my girlfriend since she’s going too 😏.